Welcome to MRM Consultancy

Today’s technologies touch every aspect of your enterprise and how you do business. Likewise, MRM Consultancy’s capabilities span the realms of business, applications, and infrastructure. Our focused expertise is the result of successful engagements that helped our clients lower costs, increase efficiency, serve customers better and grow their business. Our analysts, architects and systems experts have extensive experience in customizing relevant and effective solutions for demanding technology needs such as Web commerce, enterprise solutions and enterprise search. We have expertise in leading hardware, platform and operating systems (including BEA Weblogic, Oracle RDBMS, Hadoop, Solr engin search and Microsoft). MRM's I.T. Infrastructure Consulting is closely integrated with our Managed Services offering. MRM's Consulting team provides all of the high-level services a business requires to initiate and run a reliable and stable I.T. Infrastructure environment, while Managed Services provides the administration and support to ensure the reliability and stability are sustained.